Tanzania Guide: Nasibu

Naisibu tanzania safari guide

A2T- they really DO know Tanzania!

Nasibu was fun to hang out with and he knew all the great spots to find the animals. True to his name, we were very lucky in our viewings – we saw all sorts of crazy things like ostrich mating dance, pride of cubs, 3x migration crossing, cheetah, leopard in the tree — you name it. Nasibu also has eagle eyes — he can spot things from miles away. Made me realize why I can’t be a guide because I can hardly see half the stuff he manages to spot!

Nasibu was great!

Nasibu was great … no complaints at all.

Great Guide! 10/10

Nasibu is so knowledgeable and a very good person. We spent 4 days with him and whenever we needed to feel comfortable he made us, whenever we wanted to talk and get info about stuff he was there with his knowledge. He guided as perfectly. 10/10

Maningo Magnificent

Maningo’s sole purpose was to make our trip as good as it could be. He hunted tirelessly to ensure we saw everything possible. He had a great sense of humor and was always professional, knowledgeable, courteous and friendly. We also had Nasibu as a second guide. This worked very well – with them both complementing each other and ensuring we had the best safari experience possible


Danny, Nasibu, Raymond, Fulgence were outstanding!  I would love to see them if they make a trip to the MN Office of A2T. Their English was excellent (once I bent my ear to the unique accent). Their knowledge about animals was outstanding. Their personalities were fun. They easily became part of our safari family during our time together. They also handled some difficult situations with confidence and success: vans not starting (using the old slip the clutch method) and an unfortunate theft of items from one of the vans during … Read More

Overall a great safari and experience. Access2Tanzania is a fine outfit.

We had four guides. Fulgence, Danny, Raymond, and Nasibu. All are very fine individuals whom my group led. Fulgence was the lead guide and was excellent. Very informative. Very friendly with everyone. Took initiative. Very responsive to our needs. I’m very impressed with Fulgence. The same is said for Raymond and Danny. All three of these would make spontaneous comments about the wildlife along the way. Nasibu was more reserved in his comments and spontaneity. And his English was harder to understand. A fine person, Very informative when you asked … Read More

Our safari was a dream come true

Our group had Fulgence, Raymond, Danny and Nasibu. They were all great and fun to be around.

Thoughtful and knowledgeable

Nasibu was very knowledgeable and friendly. Was not too talkative (which is what we liked) and was very accommodating to our needs. Overall great experience – only opportunity would be to communicate more about what he was looking for or what he was hearing on the radio, as we weren’t sure sometimes where we were going or what to look for.

Awesome Experience with A2T in Tanzania

Nasibu was awesome! He was very patient and professional. He had a great knowledge of animals, birds and plants of the areas and had an amazing ability to spot animals at any distance. He seemed to have a great network with the other guides which also seemed to also have us in the right place at the right time for animal sightings.

An unbelievable, life-altering trip

Our guides were wonderful. I think it was fantastic having 2 since they really complimented each other well. Maningo seemed more experienced within the National Parks with knowing where to go to have the best animal experience – he took the lead with this. Nasibu was very outgoing and seemed to know everyone – he was also very aware of asking us if we needed a break – he took the lead with this.

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