Company Background

After living in Tanzania for 2 years as a Peace Corps Volunteer (1993-95), Brian Singer started Project Zawadi (2000), a non-profit organization, to support orphaned and other vulnerable children. Using his business background and local connections, he and his wife, Karen, joined forces with Michael to start Access 2 Tanzania (2004), a Tanzanian-American partnership.

Brian & Karen assist customers with pre-travel decisions and planning, while Michael takes care of all the on-the-ground logistics.

Tanzania Safaris and Tours – What we offer:

Access 2 Tanzania specializes in self-designed journeys for the curious and thoughtful traveler.

No Worries. We Know Tanzania

Tanzania Safari and Tours: Contact Info

Mailing Address:
Access 2 Tanzania
253 Duke Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102 – USA

Brian Singer, Karen Stupic & Casey O’Connell:

Project Zawadi:

Toll Free: 1-866-589-6116



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