Dream guide

He was a fantastic guide for us. Raymond seemed to have eagle eyes, he could drive and spot animals that we could barely see! Once he used his binoculars to verify the animal, he would give us landmarks so we could find the animals with our binoculars. Sometimes we could drive closer to view the animals. He was good at explaining to us what his strategy was going to be when we would be caught in a safari vehicle jam like watching the wildebeest crossing. He knew where to drive to find animals. The advantage of the day long drives was that we could find more animals in their natural habitats without experiencing the safari jams by driving farther away from our hotels/camps. He arranged our meeting times for the next day after dinner. We had plenty of food in our lunch boxes to eat and cold beverages in the car cooler to drink. When I expressed my concern about our lunch entrees not being refrigerated to minimize stomach problems, he made space for them in the cooler. He made sure we had periodic toilet stops throughout the day. He cleaned the vehicle daily. We appreciated having double cushions on our seats when the ride was rough. He had toilet paper rolls on the tray so we could bring our own toilet paper to the bathrooms.

Guide Name

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