Fulgence, our Simply Spectacular Guide!

Fulgence was simply spectacular! He had the most amazing ability to spot animals at a distance…he could spot a leopard tail in a tree that I could not even discern with binoculars. Every single animal we wanted to see, he found for us. We saw all of the Big 7, including a beautiful cheetah and a lioness with her cubs. Fulgence found two of the elusive leopards for us. I asked to see a Grey Crowned Crane – and voila – he found a couple within 30 minutes. Plus, he had an encyclopedic knowledge of animal behavior and forestry. I didn’t need the guidebook I brought with me — Fulgence knew everything. We saw so many animals, it was incredible…I had 700 photos after the first day! Plus Fulgence was also kind and thoughtful…twice he came to the aid of other drivers, pulling them out of the mud. Fulgence had a well-equipped vehicle and was an excellent navigator. He was simply perfect as our guide.

We hoped we would be able to catch a wildebeest migration crossing. We caught FOUR crossings, of which two were simply spectacular! These sightings were due in large part to Fulgence’s determination to go back and forth to find the perfect spot and then wait patiently. I stopped telling other tourists at the camp about our sightings because I didn’t want to make them feel bad — we seemed to have such a superior guide!

We also enjoyed discussing the culture of Tanzania with Fulgence, meeting locals at the open-air markets, and learning a few words in Swahili.

Fulgence is certainly the best guide we have enjoyed in many years of travel!

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