Tanzania Guide: Raymond

Raymond Tanzania Vacation Tour Guide

Raymond made the trip!

Raymond was fantastic. He made our trip. He was fun, funny, knowledgeable, eager to show us anything and everything, obviously loved what he does which is contagious, very attentive to our needs, professional, attentive to details, etc. He is a delightful person and all of us loved being with him. My son was pretty sick one night and he immediately made himself available and helpful.

Review of Raymond

Raymond did a great job. Very knowledgeable about the animals and Tanzania culture and history. Able to spot animals from far away while driving.

One of our most memorable trips!

Raymond was our guide. He was an excellent guide and a pleasure to travel with. Ray has an upbeat, can do attitude. He really worked hard to insure we were comfortable, well informed and exposed to the terrain and incredible wildlife of Tanzania. He is really knowledgeable and answered all of our questions.

Fantastic experience!

Ray was very knowledgeable. He was very passionate about the animals and has a great thirst for knowledge. Ray was there to answer all questions. Ray was a fantastic guide, we would could not have asked for a better experience. I actually felt very lucky that Ray knew exactly were to go to sport certain animals, it seemed like we were there before any other vehicles most of the time.


Danny, Nasibu, Raymond, Fulgence were outstanding!  I would love to see them if they make a trip to the MN Office of A2T. Their English was excellent (once I bent my ear to the unique accent). Their knowledge about animals was outstanding. Their personalities were fun. They easily became part of our safari family during our time together. They also handled some difficult situations with confidence and success: vans not starting (using the old slip the clutch method) and an unfortunate theft of items from one of the vans during … Read More

Overall a great safari and experience. Access2Tanzania is a fine outfit.

We had four guides. Fulgence, Danny, Raymond, and Nasibu. All are very fine individuals whom my group led. Fulgence was the lead guide and was excellent. Very informative. Very friendly with everyone. Took initiative. Very responsive to our needs. I’m very impressed with Fulgence. The same is said for Raymond and Danny. All three of these would make spontaneous comments about the wildlife along the way. Nasibu was more reserved in his comments and spontaneity. And his English was harder to understand. A fine person, Very informative when you asked … Read More

Our safari was a dream come true

Our group had Fulgence, Raymond, Danny and Nasibu. They were all great and fun to be around.

Wonderful Experience with Ray

I think that our guide was the most important part of our trip. With so much time on game drives, if our guide was not good the trip would not be good. And our trip was great. Thanks Raymond.

Great trip

Ray was excellent

Exceeded all my expectations!!

Excellent–Ray was able to read our needs and respond, he was a great driver, and skilled at identifying animals. He bonded with my 15 year old grandson and was able to quickly eliminate his anxieties. We all became great friends–he is a really nice person, and we all felt fortunate to have him as our guide

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