About Us

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Owners & Staff

Owner & Director: Brian Singer Brian spent 2 years in Tanzania as a math teacher with the Peace Corps. Since that time, he has returned to Tanzania more than a dozen times while guiding charitable groups and starting Project Zawadi. He has a graduate degree in Social Change and Development and has spent more than 15 years assisting low-income entrepreneurs in New York City and the Twin Cities.Owner & Director of Sales: Karen StupicKaren has been working with travelers for more than 10 years with Access 2 Tanzania. Prior to her … Read More

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Excellent Service

The entire A2T team is constantly working to make sure that you have an incredible time in Tanzania. First and foremost, we offer you a “No Worries Guarantee.” With our guarantee, we promise 5 things: An incredible guide (a full-time, year-round employee of A2T) A fantastic vehicle (owned and maintained by A2T) All accommodations as noted in your itinerary 24-hour service and assistance from a company owner at any time of day from anywhere in the world during your trip If you experience any problems or disappointments, let us know … Read More

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Social Mission – Project Zawadi

Founded in 2000, Project Zawadi was the inspiration to start Access 2 Tanzania. We view Access 2 Tanzania as a “social enterprise” because it was created to advance Project Zawadi’s educational nonprofit work in rural Tanzania as well as provide high quality safari experiences for our guests. Project Zawadi has been working to ensure Tanzanian children and youth have access to a quality education for more than 20 years by providing student sponsorship, school support, and teacher professional development training. In addition to providing financial support to Project Zawadi, Access 2 … Read More

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Tanzania Vacations: Our Philosophy & Promise

We believe that Tanzania offers the most extraordinary array and concentration of wildlife in Africa; it also has some of the world’s warmest and friendliest people. We also believe that when done properly tourism has a positive impact on the wildlife, the environment and the people. We are proud of Tanzania and we love sharing it with others. That is why we make the following promises: Group photo with their guide Tanzania Safari Pledge: We will always: Treat the Tanzanian wildlife and environment with care and respect. Support local development … Read More

Read More > No Worries. We Know Tanzania

Company Background

After living in Tanzania for 2 years as a Peace Corps Volunteer (1993-95), Brian Singer started Project Zawadi (2000), a non-profit organization, to support orphaned and other vulnerable children. Using his business background and local connections, he and his wife, Karen, joined forces with Michael to start Access 2 Tanzania (2004), a Tanzanian-American partnership. Brian & Karen assist customers with pre-travel decisions and planning, while Michael takes care of all the on-the-ground logistics. Tanzania Safaris and Tours – What we offer: Access 2 Tanzania specializes in self-designed journeys for the … Read More

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