Tanzania Guide: Fulgence

fulgence Tanzania vacation tour guide

Wow !

Fulgence had excellent knowledge and was very good at explaining things! He had a great sense of humor and personality which made it enjoyable!

Hapana Nyoka

Totally awesome. Brilliant. Amazing. NASCAR-worthy. Cunning. Eagle-eyed. Compassionate. Attentive to detail. Adventurous. Great sense of humor. I don’t know if I can come up with enough adjectives to adequately describe Fulgence’s performance. He has an amazing ability to get you to the absolute perfect viewing spot, somehow maneuvering so that you can see the animals better than anyone else. And when you are ready to move on, he knows to wait just a little longer and, sure enough, that sleeping lion with stand up, stretch, and walk away or the … Read More

Over The Top Amazing Safari!

We fell in love with Fulgence immediately. He is so easy to be around and has so much extensive knowledge it blew us away. We treated him like he was family and he took us to meet his family. What a treat to get a real experience with his town and wife (and kids) and his Mom. I would use him again and again.

2019 St. John’s Abbey African Safari

Absolutely professional. Accessible to answer any question, help in any way, solve any issue, and share his knowledge. Very knowledgeable. Great leader of the other two guides (Nasibu and Gelasius), they really worked well as a team and I would rate them equally as good as Fulgence.

Amazing guide to Tanzania’s wildlife and culture

Fulgence was helpful is teaching us some phrases is Swahili and his knowledge about the animals and birds was extraordinary. He knew right where to find the animals and got us so close so that we could see everything that we had hoped for. Fulgence assisted travelers find items that they had misplaced including one traveler who’s cell phone fell out of the truck and he used his phone to locate it in the middle of the Serengeti. He went way beyond what anyone would expect to help someone out.

Fulgence made it a great trip

I can’t say enough about how great Fulgence was. His wildlife knowledge was unbelievable. His ability to spot things was amazing. He was flexible and helped us get the most out of every day and every hour. We always felt safe and comfortable. He was fun and personable and helped us learn a little Swahili.

Review of Fulgence

Wonderful – knowledgeable, personable, good driver. Interested in making the trip a success.

Experience of a lifetime

We had complete trust in Fulgence. He’d listen to what we wanted to do and see but also guided us in the right direction (such as strongly suggesting we rise very early and get to the crater before the crowds). A warm, friendly personality. Knew everything about every animal and habitat. We had a great balance of talking and silence, to just absorb our surroundings. We were never bored.

Once in a Lifetime Experiences

We wanted to take Fulgence home… what a great guy. Personable, caring, competent, funny, and on and on. All this besides being a fabulous guide. Could not recommend him more highly.

Magical learning experience

We had both David and Fulgence. They were both excellent! As a group, we would switch off riding with one or the other on a daily basis. They both made us feel very comfortable in their country.

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