Tanzania Guide: Willy

Willy Tanzania Safari Tour Guide

Everyone always claims “they had the best guide,” but WE really did!

Willy was a fantastic guide……very knowledgeable and personable; he focused on our safety, well-being and personal interests. He was a key element in making our trip great. We felt very fortunate to have Willy for our guide. He was very professional and also fun. He taught us a lot about Africa, its people, the wildlife and environment. We could tell he have a love of learning and teaching in a very fun way. He made a huge effort to support our interests and schedule.

Best Guide Ever. Forever grateful.

The best guide with an abundance of knowledge, and patience. You tell him what you want and he will make sure your dream comes true.

Good Choice!

Willy is personable. He is knowledgable, but not a know-it-all. He taught us so much. We felt like he was part of the family by the end of the safari.

Great Trip

A safari is only as good as your guide, and I cannot imagine a better guide than Willy. The depth of his knowledge was impressive, and it was delightful to spend our time with him. He has a great personality and sense of humor, and a real passion for what he does. And his ability to find and spot animals was amazing.

All we hoped for and more

Little of safari pre-planning makes as much difference in the end as your guide. More than everything else, he determines the quality and character of your experience. I want to give well earned credit to Willium “Willy” Mollel, our guide throughout our adventure. He is a remarkable young man who earned our respect many times over. He had a genuine concern that our experience be as good as it could be, and that we were comfortable and safe throughout. He really wanted us to see it all, and took great … Read More

Amazing Experience

Willy without a doubt provided the best possible trip. Countless times he appeared to instinctively know where to set the vehicle up for the best wildlife viewing. There would be many safari guides with jeeps set up and Willy would park a few hundred feet away as he seemed to know where the animal was headed. in addition to his bountiful knowledge of wildlife he also taught us so much about the culture in Tanzania. We are convinced that our trip would not have been nearly as great without our wonderful … Read More

Great safari guide

Great guide. Very good knowledge of animals in general and birds in particular. Very open and flexible. He spoke very good English. Willy did his best for us to see the animals we wantd to see.

Passionate and ethical

Willy was an excellent guide, knowledgeable, personable, passionate and ethical – he is very proud of his country and cares about the natural environment.

Excellent guide

Willy was an excellent guide. He was helpful, relaxed, knowledgeable and friendly.

An amazing time with Willy

Willy was amazing–he knew so much about everything, was flexible and easy going, but also kept us moving when we needed to and made sure we didn’t feel like we were just being herded from here to there to see the animals—his passion for the wildlife was great, and his patience to explore and wait and enjoy the wilderness was great. Willy made our experience the amazing time that it was–he is truly a fantastic guide and a great person and gets our highest, most glowing recommendations!

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