A Life-Changing Experience

From our first meeting with Willy we knew we had a guide of exceptional character. He’s kind and respectful, not only of us and the wildlife but of the many other guides we met along the way. We loved watching the numerous interactions with other guides because even though we don’t speak their language, it was obvious that they hold Willy in the highest esteem.
Willy’s love of his job and his great sense of humor made us look forward to getting into the car with him each day. The three of us laughed a lot and had a great time together. We learned so much about the animals and the landscape and the history. He has an innate sense of how much to say and when to say it. He answered every question and we had many. But we also shared quiet, peaceful moments along the way while we observed together all that was going on around us.
And his driving … what a pro! He’s the master of manual shifting! He couldn’t smooth out all those bumps in the road, of course, but he eased us over many a challenging spot. His confident driving made us feel safe and even a flat tire was handled in no time. He took great care of the A2T vehicle and is a driver of ultimate skill. And compassion, too. If another driver had a problem he was there to lend a hand, always asking our permission to stop.
Willy embodied every quality we told you we would like in a guide – his sense of humor, his keen photographic sense of the light and composition for a great photo opportunity, his ability to spot an animal from an uncanny distance, his professionalism, and his empathy for others. We were proud to have him as our guide. He’s a gem and we were honored to share ten incredible days with him.

Guide Name

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