Our guides know Tanzania.
“A guide can make or break your safari.”
Everybody says it. That is why we have taken so many steps to make sure that we attract, select, train, retain and motivate the very best guides in Tanzania. Let’s be honest: Most guides in Tanzania are very good. But we think ours are great and here’s why:
- We do not hire contract guides. We only have a few guides and we know them all personally. That is why we have to sometimes say we are fully booked….we will not hire beyond those we have selected and trained to represent A2T. Unfortunately, with some other companies, the client has no idea about the qualifications of their guide as they are contracted for only that safari.
- They earn a full time salary every month whether or not they are on safari with a client. This allows them to concentrate on what they do best….giving our clients an excellent experience while supporting their families.
- Our guides go through an annual training together (usually early December) to refresh their skills on customer relations, knowledge of the wildlife, culture and what to do in an emergency. This also builds team spirit and empowers each one to excel in their personal area of expertise.
- They receive a generous compensation package and per diem with opportunities to earn bonuses for client satisfaction.
- A2T promotes staff from within so that by the time that someone is promoted to a guide, they know the high standards of the company, how to work together the “A2T” way and we already know them well which is invaluable when matching guests with guides.
- A2T has had very little turnover with our guides. They tell us that they love their jobs and love working for A2T…this is a mutual feeling and only makes for a win/win/win for all! Most of all for our guests!
Our Guides: